What To Expect: OPITO Mist Training

Everyone working offshore in the UK oil and gas industry must complete the OPITO Minimum Safety Training (MIST) before stepping foot on an installation. But what is MIST all about?

The course is designed to introduce new-entrants to the fundamental safety elements of working offshore. It also ensures a consistent standard of safety across the entire industry.

We understand it can be a little daunting when you don’t know what to expect from a training course so to help give clarity we sent our own marketing new start, Beth, on the two-day course earlier this week to report on what happens during the course! Here’s what she got up to…

Day 1

“After registering, I was able to grab a free coffee from the complimentary Starbucks machines in the onsite canteen before being directed to a classroom by my instructor, Scott, for an 8AM sharp start. MIST is entirely classroom-based so there’s no need to pack a towel for this part of your offshore training!

The instructors talk you through the course, but they do also encourage you to get involved, speak up and ask questions.

The centre is really busy right now, so my class was full with delegates from lots of different backgrounds, including those brand-new to the sector, and even some choosing to return as the industry continues to rebound.

On our first day, we learned about regulations for working offshore and major accident hazards on an installation, such as fires. This was hard-hitting as we looked at the history of major offshore accidents and how these have transformed safety in the sector.

We also covered common workplace hazards and how to carry out your job safely – tasks like manual handling, working in confined spaces and working at height.”

Day 2

“The next day we were back in the classroom to learn about risk management.

Today was more interactive as we split into small groups to fill out risk assessments for simple cleaning tasks. It’s surprising how many potential hazards there are for something as simple as hoovering a cabin!

We also filled out paperwork like toolbox talks and risk intervention cards. This was all new to me having only ever worked in an office, but everything was explained fully.

In the afternoon, the instructor went through the principles of helicopter safety which was eye-opening as I have never flown in one before – although I certainly feel much better prepared now should the opportunity ever arise!”

Passing the course

“To complete your MIST, you must pass short multiple-choice tests for each of the five modules.

These are nothing to worry about and the instructors were on hand to help anyone who needed support to complete their papers.

Going on the MIST course gave me an insight into what life is like offshore and why safety is at the forefront of every activity on an installation.

The instructors were a real highlight of the training – they were friendly and engaging which made the course pass quickly. I also enjoyed chatting to fellow delegates and learning about their training and careers which has given me real, first-hand insight into this exciting industry!”

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